Widening Circles

The Work That Reconnects has inspired thousands of people to take heart and work together for the sake of life on Earth, despite rapidly worsening social and ecological conditions. It has also inspired people to co-create experiential practices that serve the Work in specific groups and settings.

 (English version)

Getuigen van Piraeus

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Getuigen van Piraeus. Geschokt door de beelden van de vluchtelingen in Griekenland besluit ik samen met zes vrouwen spontaan te gaan helpen. In het illegale kamp in de haven van Piraeus zijn officiële instanties afwezig. De ‘organisatie’ draait op vrijwilligers die uit de hele wereld…


ZEN and the art of Compassion

Ama Samy

Zen master and founder of Bodhi Sangha
Ama SamyFr. AMA Samy (Arul Maria Arokiasamy) was born of poor Indian parents in Burma in 1936. As a boy he came into some contact with Burmese Buddhism and Buddhist monks. Back in India after the War, he was brought up for a few years by his maternal grandfather, who was a devotee of a Muslim saint and was caring for the burial shrine of the saint. The grandfather died in an accident leaving the young boy without support and guidance. However, the boy finished school and joined the Jesuits.

Even after becoming a priest, his heart was restless. His heart was not fulfilled by the then Christian spirituality. He began visiting Hindu ashrams and buddhist meditation centers. He was introduced to Ramana Maharishi by Swami Abhishiktananda, and was much moved by Ramana’s vision. His quest and searching led him to become a wandering beggar for a while and settle down as a hermit near a holy shrine; the village people fed him.

It was the zen way which drew him most. With the help of Fr. Enomiya Lassalle, he went to Japan and was able to train with Yamada Ko-Un Roshi of Sanbo Kyodan. In 1982 Yamada Ko-Un gave him transmission and authorization to teach. Fr. AMA Samy is rooted in Christianity and in Zen; he can be said to stand in-between Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. He stands true to Christ, true to Zen and true to the human heart-mind.

Fr. AMA Samy spends a few months every year abroad, mostly in Europe, teaching and helping his students (see the sesshin list). He is the founder of Bodhi Sangha.