Time passes (55’)
Portrait of American author Peter Matthiessen. His Snow Leopard is one of the most popular travel books ever written.
This depiction of an expedition through the Himalayas received the American National Book Award in 1980.
Together with filmmaker Pat van Boeckel, Peter Matthiessen, the biologist, environmental activist, world traveller and
student of Zen Buddhism, looks back on his life. He recalls, among other things, his exceptional meeting with the Dalai Lama,
his discovery of a giant whale bone on the beach, and the time he spent half a century ago with war waging Papuans.

Broadcasted on Dutch public TV (BOS).

Nederlandse versie


Shifting boundaries in Mongolia (30’)
In this documentary, two people travel to Mongolia, a Buddhist country that appeals to the imagination because of its vast desert, centuries-old cloisters and its tough history. Dentist Joost van Vlijmen provides basic dental care in places where it is most needed. At the same time, Frysian singer and songwriter Nynke Laverman has a residence in Mongolia looking for new inspiration.
Broadcasted on Dutch public TV (BOS).

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