‘White Flag’ Project.
How do we cope with fear for the future, loss of grip and meaning, in our art? This is one of the questions the White Flag Art Project is concerned with. The White Flag Art Project is an international, artist-led project that explores the “White Flag” as an artistic theme to take up and address current global challenges.

Video Installation in Kunsthause Essen, Germany for ‘Whit Flag’ project.
Registration of video installation at the ‘White Flag’ art project.
The visitors walked into a room with 4 windows. People stared at you from behind the windows. It is always difficult to really capture the atmosphere in a recording afterwards.

‘Het Spiegelkabinet’
Exhibition- video installation in Kunstencentrum De Kolk in the Netherlands.
Pat van Boeckel and Karin van der Molen.
Video installation ‘Wishing Well’ made for art exhibition (with poems) on the former island of Schokland